CFA Running Events

About – Steering Committee

A small group of Club members “run” the Club. We call this group the Steering Committee. These dedicated folks manage the many behind-the-scenes tasks that allow the Club to function. Tasks such as making sure we’re using the right technology, operating within budget, managing the Point Series, working with members, partners and Event Hosts.

The Steering Committee generally has six (6) formal meetings each year, either in person or online, for about an hour and a half. Aside from that, they work together informally to get stuff done between meetings. Steering Committee members generally serve for two (2) years.

Benefits of serving on the Club Steering Committee include:

For members who want to help, but in a less formal way, the Club also offers the opportunity to take on custom roles.

Interested in helping in some way? Please Contact Us!

Steering Committee Members

